Dr Michalis Olympios
February 1, 2021
Dr Marina Ilia
February 1, 2021Theocharis Petrou
Theocharis Petrou is a doctoral student at the University of Cyprus in the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme in Byzantine Studies and the Latin East. The subject of his doctorate is “The Presence of the Holy Cross in Cyprus: Legends, Traditions and the Historical Truth (4th-16th century AD)”. He is a graduate of the Department of History of Archaeology of the University of Cyprus with an archaeological direction. During his studies, Theocharis participated in research programmes-projects of the University of Cyprus (Byzantine Archival Documents-ByzAD), the Open University of Cyprus (BYZART), and the King’s College London (Heritage Gazetteer of Cyprus). In the period 2013-2014, he worked as an Archaeologist in the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus. His research interests revolve around the Architecture and Painting of the Byzantine monuments of Cyprus during the 10th -16th century, the Byzantine and Medieval sources as well as the Palaeography. He was Research Fellow at the Anastasios G. Leventis Foundation in the publication of a voluminous book dedicated to the Ecclesiastical Monuments of Cyprus that were preserved by the Department of Antiquities with the sponsorship of the Foundation. He is currently working as a Research Assistant in the Internal Research Programme of the University of Cyprus entitled “A Digital Corpus of Painted Greek Inscriptions from Medieval Cyprus (10th – 13th centuries AD)”.