FoMArc's 2024 organizing committee

Maria Ktori, PhD cand.

Maria Ktori is a maritime archaeologist and forensic practitioner, with diverse field experience spanning over a decade. She has been employed by the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus since 2012, and has been participating in projects and excavations since 2003 on a volunteer basis. Maria specialises on medieval coastscapes and their monumental topography, and currently pursues a Ph.D. at UCY in Byzantine Studies and the Latin East. Her doctoral research focuses on medieval coastal settlement patterns, through the case study of Paphos and its hinterland in western Cyprus, via a GIS-based landscape analysis, historical sources, monumental topography and field survey. Since 2016, she is the founder and director of the Intangible Maritime Cultural Heritage Project, a multi-faceted research studying cultural heritage elements and their relationship with the maritime environment.

Email: [email protected]

Edi Grabar, PhD cand.

I studied Archaeology at the University of Zadar in Croatia, where I gained my bachelor’s degree in 2017. Two years later, in 2019, I finished my master’s degree program in Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. During my graduate program, I enrolled at the archaeological fieldwork-program regarding the North American Paleoindian and Archaic site of Hell Gap, conducted by the Paleoindian Research Lab at the University of Wyoming, USA. Furthermore, I attended professional practice in Archaeobotany through the Erasmus+ Programme at the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia, Cyprus, as well as the Internship afterwards in Archaeobotany and Archaeological Materials at the same institution. Currently, I’m a PhD Candidate at the Department of History and Archaeology at UCY. My research is based on the Late Bronze Age bronze material excavated at the site of Enkomi by the French Expedition.

Email: [email protected]

Jaris Darwin, MA

Hailing from the beautiful province of British Columbia, Canada, Jaris is pursuing a master’s degree in Field Archaeology at the University of Cyprus (UCY). With an academic background in history and politics, archaeology was a passion kindled while studying ancient history and seeing sites throughout the Mediterranean. His area of interest is Cypriot and Levantine archaeology, focusing especially on maritime cultures, cult and religion. An avid traveller, hiker and reader, Jaris is passionate about exploring the world by plane, foot and page.

Email: [email protected]

Ane Dybkjaer, MA.

Ane Dybkjaer studied Classical Archaeology and Museology at Aarhus University, Denmark. Currently she is pursuing her MA degree in Field Archaeology on Land and Under the Sea at the University of Cyprus (UCY). Her research interests lie in Minoan exchange networks, Bronze Age seal production, and the application of digital archaeology to these studies."



Email: [email protected]

Sky McCullough, MA

Sky McCullough earned a BA in History from the University of Central Oklahoma. Currently, she is dedicated to advancing her education and is pursuing her MA in Field Archaeology on Land and Under the Sea at the University of Cyprus. She looks forward to expanding her knowledge of the Mediterranean world through her studies.





Email: [email protected]

Rafail Charalampous, PhD cand.

Rafail Charalampous graduated from the University of Cyprus (UCY) with a degree in history and archaeology and pursued a master's thesis in prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology in Sardinia, focusing on Bronze Age island archaeology and trade dynamics between Cyprus and Sardinia. After completing his master's, he worked as an archaeologist at a Byzantine-medieval site in Polis Chrysochous and since September 2023, he is a PhD student at the University of Cyprus, researching the changing sacred landscapes of Cyprus and Sardinia from the Bronze Age to the end of the Iron Age.

Email: [email protected]

Associate member: Theodore Vasileiou, PhD cand., University of Cyprus (UCY)

Email: [email protected]