The University of Cyprus is a public corporate body. It is governed by the University Council, comprising both government appointed and university elected members and the Senate where members are senior academic staff. The Faculties and Departments are administered by internal Boards; each Faculty is headed by an elected Dean; and each Department is headed by an elected Chairperson. The Rector’s Council has executive competences concerning daily or current matters.
UCY Governing Bodies
The Council is responsible for the management and supervision of the administrative and financial affairs of the University and its property. The Council prepares the annual budget of the University for the financial year commencing on the first of January and ending on the 31st of December in each year and ratifies or promotions of the academic and administrative staff of the University.
The Senate is the highest academic body of the University and is responsible for the academic affairs of the University, both teaching and research.
The Rector’s Council has executive competences concerning daily or current matters, , granted by the Senate upon recommendation of the Rector, or the Council upon recommendation of the Chairman of the Council.