The Senate is the highest academic body of the University and is responsible for the academic affairs of the University, both teaching and research. More specifivally, it:
- Approves decisions of the Rector, academic programmes, entrance and final examinations, the marking (grading) system, promotions and the award of diplomas and degrees
- Determines University requirements related to physical facilities and equipment, apportionment of the budget, and University ties with other universities and educational institutions
- Is a second-tier body of judgment and a second-tier disciplinary board
- Makes recommendations to the Council for the establishment or abolition of faculties or departments, and advises on the University’ s student capacity
- It constitutes committees from amongst its members and delegates to them, on such conditions and prerequisites as it deems expedient to impose, any of its authorities
The current members in the University Senate are the following:
- The Rector and the two Vice-Rectors of the University
- The Deans of the Faculties
- Three representatives from the teaching staff of each Faculty elected by the Board of the Faculty
- One student representative for each Faculty
- The Director of Administration and Finance (nonvoting member)
- The Director of the Library (nonvoting member)