Fall Semester
MME 307 Numerical Methods (6 ECTS)
This course is an introduction to numerical methods for the solution of real engineering problems. Topics covered include numerical integration and optimization and solution of ordinary and partial differential equations (ODEs and PDEs). Methods that are used for the solution of ODEs include the Implicit and Explicit Euler method, the Runge-Kutta methods and the Adams-Bashforth-Moulton methods. The solution of PDEs is performed with the finite difference method in one and two-dimensions. Both steady state and time-dependent problems are solved. The course also covers a brief introduction to the finite element method. It includes a programming component for writing algorithms for the numerical solutions in FORTRAN and Matlab.
MME 325 Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems (6 ECTS)
The course introduces a unified approach for modeling real dynamic systems. Modeling is accomplished using appropriate graphical or state-space equation models, in order to meet the requirements during the use of the models in design and automatic control. System analysis is used to calculate behavioral characteristics and to evaluate the accuracy of modeling assumptions. Topics taught include lumped parameter models; models with electric, fluid and thermal elements; interfaces; state-space equations; block diagrams; Laplace transforms – transfer functions; time and frequency domain response; stability. Students use Matlab/Simulink as a computational analysis tool. Laboratory exercises are used to identify parameters and demonstrate the interaction between different physical phenomena.
MME 347 Design and Manufacturing (6 ΕCTS)
Introduction to modern Computer-aided Design and Manufacturing Technology, with emphasis on geometrical aspects (material aspects are covered in MME348). Design by CAD, representation of 2D/3D lines, surfaces and objects, geometric processing by homogeneous transformations. Machining processes, material removal, non-traditional technologies, manufacturing by CAM. Shaping by deformation/flow of foil and bulk material, CAE analysis. Surface patterning by lithography, coating and etching, micro- and nanotechnology. Metrology, microscopy, scanning and machine vision, instruments and image processing. Tolerances, fits, surface quality and defects. Assembly and transportation with automation, robotics and navigation systems. Applications of design and manufacturing systems.
Spring Semester
MME 456 – Properties of Polymers and Polymer Processing (6 ECTS)
The course is divided into two parts. In the first part, the mechanical properties of polymers (e.g., elasticity, viscoelasticity, strength, etc.) and the effect of their structural and chemical characteristics on their mechanical behavior are discussed. The structure-properties correlation, the thermal transitions of polymers and how these are capable of affecting their properties, as well as the rheological characteristics of polymeric solutions and melts are analyzed. In the second part, different methods used in polymer processing such as mixing, reinforcement, molding, etc. are discussed. Moreover, the students are involved in laboratory demonstrations and exercises including the synthesis of physically-crosslinked polymer networks having variable crosslinking density, the fabrication of polymer nano/micro fibers by electrospinning and the determination of the thermomechanical properties of polymers by Dynamic mechanical analysis.
Laboratory Exercises
- Thermomechanical testing by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
- Fabrication of polymer nanofibers by electrospinning
- Rheological characterization of polymers
- Synthesis of physically-crosslinked polymer networks
MME 443 – Advanced Metal Working Processes (6 ECTS)
Manufacturing technologies are used to produce components of various shapes and sizes. This course focuses on manufacturing technologies commonly used by industry, with the focus on forging and sheet metal forming. The topics covered in the course include: scientific understanding of cold, warm and hot forging and cold and warm sheet metal forming processes, component and tooling design principles to maximize mechanical performance of produced components, modelling theory and analytical analysis of material behavior under cold, warm and hot operations, innovations in metal forming to maximize component performance.
Laboratory Exercises
- Cold and hot forging
- Material strengthening
- Sheet blanking, bending and forming