Dr Detlef Goller
February 1, 2021
Marie-Luise Kosan
February 1, 2021Kouadio Guy-Stéphane Kouamé
Kouadio Guy-Stéphane Kouamé is a PhD student in Medieval History at the University of Bamberg. His thesis, written in French under the title “Elites sans progéniture: le célibat des prêtres en occident, les eunuques à Byzance et dans le monde arabe – une étude comparative”, analyses the function of eunuchs and celibate priests as childless elites in the Latin West, Byzantium, as well as in the Islamic world. Kouadio holds a Master’s degree in History (with specialisation in ancient and medieval history) from the University Alassane Ouattara (Bouaké, Côte d‘Ivoire/Ivory Coast), where he also began his PhD research, as part of this university’s cooperation with Bamberg. Having obtained his Master’s degree in 2016, he then participated actively in the functioning of the Department of History of his home university by coaching undergraduate and graduate students. In 2018, he joined the research group GERHIC (Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche en Histoire Culturelle), a collaborative platform for scholars, researchers and students from three Ivorian public universities: University Alassane Ouatar Bouaké (UAO); University Félix-Houphouet-Boigny Abidjan (UFHB); and Univeristy Jean-Lorougnon-Guédé Daloa (UJLoG). Kouadio is interested in the cultural history of gender and sexuality, in the organisation of space and society by rituals, and in comparative studies focussing on the medieval Latin West, Byzantium, and the Islamic world.