Prof. Ingrid Bennewitz
February 1, 2021
Dr Detlef Goller
February 1, 2021Michaela Pölzl
Michaela Pölzl, Μ.Α., is a research assistant at the Chair of Medieval German Philology at the University of Bamberg and serves as Scientific Project Manager for NetMAR on the part of ZeMas Bamberg (Center for Medieval Studies Bamberg). She studied German Philology and Applied Cultural Studies in Graz (Austria) before starting to work on her doctoral thesis as a research fellow in the Bamberg graduate programme “Generational Consciousness and Generational Conflicts in Antiquity and the Middle Ages”. Sie finished and successfully defended her thesis on “Narrations of Education – Models of Intergenerational Transfer in Middle High German Literature” in July 2021.
From 2014-2021, Michaela Pölzl was involved in a digital humanities project on Old High German and Old Saxon glosses. She has organised several graduate conferences, was responsible for the publication of conference proceedings, worked as an OeAD lecturer at the Institute of German Studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland) and was involved in the development of digital learning programmes for the Virtual University of Bavaria.