2024-2025 Research Highlights from SInnoPSis
The SInnoPSis Team have the pleasure of sharing our research outputs of the year 2024-2025. Many of these publications have been made with the contribution and collaboration […]The Strain on Scientific Publishing
We’re excited to share the latest episode of our podcast, Science of Doing Science! In this episode, Zach and Adrien interview Mark A. Hanson, Pablo Gómez Barreiro, […]SInnoPSis Researchers Contribute to ONISILOS Training on Meta-Analysis
On November 20, 2024, Prof. Zacharias Maniadis and Dr. Lunzheng Li from SInnoPSis, University of Cyprus, conducted a training session on “Meta-Analysis and Meta-Data” as […]SInnoPSis/TWIN4MERIT Conference Successfully Held
Our interdisciplinary SInnoPSis / TWIN4MERIT conference was a resounding success! Over two days, distinguished researchers and Research Policy practitioners met anddebated about the role of peer revies […]Sinnopsis Researchers Present Research at the University of Crete
Our researchers recently participated in the 1st Summer School in Experimental and Behavioral Economics, by the European Economic Review and hosted by the Department of […]
About us
The project “SInnoPSis” – ERA Chair in Science and Innovation Policy & Studies”, has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement number: 857636 — SInnoPSis — H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-2020/H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018. The ERA Chair in Science and Innovation Policy & Studies (SInnoPSis) aims to bring together excellent academics from the linked scientific departments and consolidate all related research activities at the University of Cyprus (UCY).
The ERA Chair holder is an economist specializing in economics of Science, and they will be leading a team of young scholars from the fields of Innovation Policy and Studies (SIPS). In tandem with conducting cutting-edge research, the team will evolve into a multidisciplinary research unit, which will facilitate cross-fertilization between departments. SInnoPSis will also be highly international and outward-oriented, organizing activities that will enhance networking and international collaborations.
The principal thematic focus will be on the SIPS field, including all connected fields with emphasis on Economics & Management and secondarily Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy and Information Technology. The Chair and his group will aim to create significant impact in Cyprus, sharing expertise and research policy advice. For instance, interaction will be maintained with the Chief Scientist and the National Council of Research and Innovation in significant issues related to SIPS science and innovation policies in Cyprus.