Architecture is inherently related to a wide variety of factors, such as cultural, social, technological, political and economic issues that affecting both people and the environment on many levels. As a result, the Department of Architecture (ARCH) has an important role to play in the production of an architectural culture, the broadening of design knowledge and knowhow, as these are related to the wide variety of factors mentioned above. The Department of Architecture provides a high quality education to students and pursues and values. Its engagement with the social construct. Consequently the department of Architecture encourages a dialogue among the various actors who are directly or indirectly involved in the production of architecture and the city.

Central to the philosophy of the programme in the study of architecture, are the synergies achieved through the dynamic synthesis of design emanating both from the humanities and the technological dimensions of Architecture. Such an endeavor takes place by emphasizing the complex and fascinating aspects of the field of Architecture. It also takes place through the formulation of a design culture that takes into account theoretical, historical, political and technological quests to redefine the role of architecture in the making of the artificial environment. Some of the challenges for architect in the academic and professional contexts have to do with claiming a new role with regards to the becoming of contemporary society as well as with their contribution to the manmade environment. At the same time, Department of Architecture investigates diverse approaches that may contribute to the creation of contemporary architectural practices both with regards to the scale building, as well as the urban and territorial scales.

The Department of Architecture, as an outstanding academic centre of studies in the wider European region, aims at educating students to become successful architects who can perform worldwide, but who will also have the knowledge and sensitivity respond to and to influence positively the formulation of the built environment in the eastern Mediterranean region.