Students with disabilities and health issues (disabilities, psychoemotional disorders, learning difficulties) or students facing social problems should get in touch with the the Social Support Office (under the auspices of the Academic Affairs and Student Welfare Service) to discuss how these affect their studies, in complete confidentiality, as well as to seek ways to handle these problems (e.g. by providing extra academic facilitation and adjustments). Students are encouraged to get in touch with the Office prior to the start of the semester. After evaluating the student’s needs, special arrangements relating to teaching/assessment/broader support may be provided. More information on the evaluation process can be found on the Social Support Office’s website. Information on what documentation is required can be found here and the student will be required to fill in this form concerning reasonable adjustments that may be applied.
In an effort to provide the most comprehensive and multifaceted support to students with special needs, the University of Cyprus has formally established the Institution of the Faculty Member in charge of Student Support since September 14, 2009. (Decision of the Student Life and Student Affairs Committee).Each Department has its own Faculty Member in charge of Student Support, which is appointed by the Board of each Department.
Faculty Members in charge of Student Support work closely with the Academic Affairs and Student Welfare Service (Social Support Office) which is responsible for supporting students with disabilities at the University of Cyprus through the adoption of a series of academic and other support measures, with the approval of the Student Welfare Committee, with the aim of enhancing the personal and academic welfare of the students, including the provision of specialised services and/or specialised equipment, in cooperation with various departments of the University of Cyprus (e.g. the Library, or the Technical Services).
At the beginning of each academic semester, the AASW Social Support Office, having secured the consent of the affected student, notifies the student’s instructors, the Faculty Member in charge of Student Support, and the President of the Department about the presence of students with disabilities in certain courses. In addition, they receive written explanations by the Social Support Office about possible academic accommodations which students require based on their needs, as well as information regarding the various supportive measures offered by University of Cyprus services.
More information on the role of the Faculty Member for Support, who cooperates closely with the Social Support Office and the faculty instructors and is also available to meet and discuss with
students, can be found following this link. The Department of Law’s Faculty Member for Support is Lecturer Ioanna Hadjiyianni ([email protected]).