Παρουσίαση βιβλίου «Γράμματα στους καιρούς γραφές και χαράξεις» του γ. Α. Κωνσταντίνου
22 Απριλίου, 2024Το ίδρυμα Henry Moore έχει προσφέρει υποτροφία μετακίνησης και έρευνας στον Σάββα Μαυροματίδη, νεαρό ερευνητή του NetMAR και μέλος της Ερευνητικής Μονάδας για Μεσαιωνικές Τέχνες και Τελετουργίες (ΕΜοΜεΤ).
23 Μαΐου, 2024International symposium: “Storytelling as Pharmakon in Antiquity and the Middle Ages”
In the framework of the European MSCA-DN project entitled ‘Storytelling as Pharmakon in Premodernity and Beyond’ (StoryPharm), the director of CeMAR organizes with Ingrid Bennewitz from the Centre for Medieval Studies (ZeMas, Univ. of Bamberg) an international symposium. The symposium, which will take place on the 17 of May 2024 at the University of Bamberg, turns to ancient and medieval healing stories to establish premodern Health Humanities as an important field with a long history and as a basic attitude to human care throughout time.
The symposium’s speakers belong to a consortium of a Horizon Europe project with the title “Storytelling as Pharmakon in Premodernity and Beyond: Training the New Generations of Researchers and Professionals in Health Humanities” (StoryPharm) that has been submitted in the framework of Marie Skłdowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks.
For the programme, click here.