The Degree in Economics is a standard economics program, similar to those offered by many international universities. It provides a solid background in economics that prepares students who wish either to continue their studies in economics or to specialize in disciplines such as accounting, finance, administration, etc.

Purpose and objectives of the programme
  1. To prepare students for the needs of the labour market by providing a solid background in economic theory and econometric analysis, specialized knowledge in various fileds of economics, and practical skills in research and analysis.
  2. To give students the ability to pursue postgraduate studies in leading US and European graduate universities, either in professional or in research programs.
Key Learning Outcomes
    The program's graduates will.
  1. Have a solid background in economic theory.
  2. Comprehend the main issues tackled by contemporary economics.
  3. Be able to reason with economic arguments about topics of an economic nature or issues of more general interest.
  4. Acquire skills in collecting, managing and analyzing data and conducting sound economic research.


To graduate with a Bachelor Degree in Economics students must complete at least 240* ECTS. In addition, the following requirements must be fulfilled:


  1. At least 155 ECTS must be in the Department of Economics (courses with code ECO) and concern compulsory ECO courses (89 ECTS – ECO111, ECO112, ECO113, ECO121, ECO211, ECO221, ECO222, ECO223, ECO251, ECO252, ECO253, ECO397, ECO497) and restricted elective ECO courses (11 courses X 6 ECTS = 66 ECTS).
  2. At least24 ECTS can be either from the Department of Economics or from the list of restricted elective courses from AFN/BPA/MAS departments (see below). 
  3. At least 20 ECTS must be unrestricted elective courses taken from at least three different faculties of the University. Students are entitled to attend sport courses up to 6 ECTS. Regarding foreign language courses, only one first-level foreign language course can be counted as an unrestricted elective course, unless the student has also succeeded in the second level, in which case both levels will be counted as unrestricted elective courses.
  4. 24 ECTS must be come from courses MAS 001, MAS 061, CS 032 and CS 037, which students attend during the first year of studies.
  5. 15 ECTS must be from the English Language courses (LAN 100, LAN 101, LAN 209).
  • The sum of the minimum ECTS of requirements 1-5 is 238 ECTS. Therefore, one more course would have to be taken from requirements 1-3 in order to complete at least 240 ECTS that are required for the degree.

Indicative academic program per semester

Semester 1 ECTS
ECO 111 Principles of Microeconomics 7
MAS 001 Mathematics I 6
MAS 061 Statistical Analysis I 6
CS 032 Introduction to Computer Science & Information Systems 6
LAN 100 General Advanced English 5
Semester 2
ECO 121 Principles of Macroeconomics 7
ECO 112 Application of Quantitative Methods in Economics (MAS 061) 7
ECO 113 Mathematics for Economists I (MAS 001) 7
CS  037 Data Manipulation in Python 6
LAN 101 Academic English 5
Semester 3
ECO 211 Microeconomic Theory (ECO 111) 7
ECO 221 Macroeconomic Theory (ECO 121) 7
ECO 222 Introduction to Econometrics (ECO 112) 7
ECO 223 Mathematics for Economists II (ECO 113) 7
Semester 4
ECO 251 Topics in Microeconomic Theory (ECO 211) 7
ECO 252 Topics in Macroeconomics (ECO 221) 7
ECO 253 Econometric Methods (ECO 222) 7
LAN 209 Advanced English for Global Communications 5
  1 Elective Course* 5-6
Semester 5
  4 Restricted Elective Courses ECO (4X6 ects) 6
  1 Elective Course 18
Semester 6
  4 Restricted Elective Courses ECO (4X6 ects) 24
  1 Elective Course 5-6
Semester 7
ECO 397 Research Methods in Applied Economics I (ECO 112, ECO 211, ECO 221) 6
  3 Restricted Elective Courses ECO (3X6 ects) 18
  1 Restricted Elective Course ECO/AFN/BPA/MAS 6
Semester 8
ECO 497 Research Methods in Applied Economics II (ECO397) 6
  3 Restricted Elective CourseS ECO/AFN/BPA/MAS (3X6 ects) 6
  1 Elective Course 5-6
Note: Courses in brackets are prerequisites

*Unrestricted elective courses can be any course offered by any other department of the University but must come from three different faculties.