Research activities of faculty members in the area of Anglophone Literature and Cultural Studies include theatre studies (especially the work of William Shakespeare, comparative European theatre and melodrama), critical and cultural theory, postcolonial and postmodern literature, 18th and 19th century fiction, continental philosophy, psychoanalysis, feminist studies, American studies, and literary translation in a comparative literature context. Members of staff are involved in the following projects:

  • in the Institute for World Literature at Harvard University.
  • “MUTE – Soundscapes of Trauma: Music, Sound and the Ethics of Witnessing,” ERC Consolidator Grant, hosted by the Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus. Coordinated by Dr Anna Papaeti, in collaboration with Dr Maria Margaroni as UCY Collaborator. Project duration: 2020-2025, budget: 1.899,587.50.

Faculty members in the area of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics undertake various research projects in these areas. The former includes generative approaches to syntax, semantics, and phonology as well as language change and development (first and second language acquisition), that is, biolinguistics at large. Applied research revolves around language contact between English and Greek in the sociolinguistic frame of Cyprus (diglossia, lexical borrowing, prosodic and syntactic phenomena, etc.) as well as the teaching of English in primary schools and the development of language tests. Members of staff are involved in the following current and recent research projects:

  • Global Innovation Fund, New Partnership Grant, University of Saskatchewan, Canada: The Language of War, Displacement and of New Beginnings (2024-2026), Department of Linguistics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada and Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus

  • University of Cyprus, Internal Research Funding: ACVALIN: Acculturation, Validation, Integration: Working for a Sustainable and Multicultural Society (2023-2025), Department of French and European Studies and Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus
  • COST Innovators Grant (CIG): IG18123: A quality assurance implementation protocol for family support services in Europe. An evidence-based and culturally informed model for professional practice. (2023-2024) Cyprus National Coordinator: Department of English Studies, University of Cyprus
  • COST Action CA21114 – CLIL Network for Languages in Education: Towards bi- and multilingual disciplinary literacies (CLILNetLE), COST Association (2022-2026), Funding: European Science Foundation (ESF).
  • COST Action CA21143 – Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe (TraFaDy), COST Association (2022-2026), Funding: European Science Foundation (ESF)
  • COST Action IS1208 “Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs)” (ESF, 2013–17)
  • COST Action IS0804 “Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment” (ESF, 2009–13)
  • ‘MIGDISCY- Migration, Discourse, Cyprus’ (UCY Internal Research Project, since 9/2021)
  • ‘Heritage Language Maintenance, Variation, and Change: A Study of (Pre)-School-Age Russian–Cypriot Greek Bilingual (Bilectal) Children in Cyprus’ (UCY Internal Research Project, since 4/2021)
  • COST Action CA18123 “The European Family Support Network. A bottom-up, evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach” (ESF, 2019-2023)|Name:overview
  • COST Action CA16105 “European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques” (ESF, 2017-2021)
  • ΔΙΔΑΚΤΩΡ Post-Doctoral Researchers Project ‘Language Variation and Attitudes (LaVA): A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Linguistic Performance and Attitudes of Greek Cypriots in Nicosia, Cyprus’ (POST-DOC/0718/0022, since 9/2019)
  • ‘The Gradience of Lingualities (GoL): Language Acquisition in Minority Contexts, Incomplete Linguistic Competence and Theoretical Modeling in Heritage Speakers, and Vernacular Varieties’ (UCY Internal Research Projects, since 6/2019)
  • A Cross-Linguistic Investigation of Acceptability Judgment Variation’ (Leventis Foundation 3411-61041, 2017–2019)
  • the Pearson External Research Program ‘Investigation of linguistic parameters accounting for progress in proficiency on the GSE’ 2017 (GSE-3411-61040)
  • the Erasmus+ “Promoting authentic language acquisition in multilingual contexts”, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for school education (EU-Lifelong Learning Programmes 2015-1-AT01-KA201-005060, 2015–18). For more information, please click here.
  • the Erasmus+ “Teachers’ Assessment Literacy Enhancement (TALE)“, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for school education (EU-Lifelong Learning Programmes 2015-1-CY01-KA201-011863, 2015–18). For more information, please click here.
  • the TOEFL Young Students Research Program 2015, “An Investigation of the Reading and Test-Taking Strategies for the TOEFL Junior Standard Reading Test: Evidence from Retrospective Think-Aloud Protocols” (Educational Testing Service (ETS), USA, 2014–15)
  • the Marie Curie CIG for the CGDS Morphosyntax Project on “The Development of Cypriot Greek in Individuals with Down Syndrome: Their Morphosyntactic profile, and the effects of Phonetics and Phonology” (FP7/2007-2013/, 2012–15)
  • the Research Project “Adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates CDI for Cypriot Greek: Development in Toddlers” (Leventis Foundation, 2014–16, jointly with members of the Translation Studies Section)
  • the CySLI Project on “Early Identification and Assessment of Preschool Children with Specific Language Impairment in Cyprus” (RPF, 2011–12)
  • the CYCLIA Project on “L1 Acquisition of Cypriot Greek Pronominal Clitics” (RPF, 2010–12)
  • the Gen-CHILD Project on “Generative Childhood-Holistic Investigations of Language Development” (UCY, 2010–12)
  • the BiSLI Action, COST Action IS0804 “Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society” (ESF, 2009–13)
  • Small Size Research Project “The Past, Present, and Future of Minimalist Investigations” (UCY, 2007–09)
  • COST Action A33 “Cross-Linguistically Robust Stages of Children’s Linguistic Performance” (ESF, 2006–10)

Faculty members in the area of Translation Studies undertake research in literary translation (including drama), intercultural studies, cultural translation, translation theory, translation methodology, translation didactics, text linguistics, and interpreting studies. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, Translation Studies combines research from and is informed by many of the sub-areas included by the other two main areas of study at the Department. Members of staff are involved in the following research projects: