The Departmental Forum is a series of meetings organised by the Department of English Studies, during which academic staff, PhD students of the Department, as well as invited speakers give talks on their current research. The talks commonly encompass the main research fields of the Department (English literature and comparative cultural studies, theoretical and applied linguistics, translation and interpreting studies), but may also include topics within the broader field of the Humanities. Besides serving to promote an environment of academic dialogue and exchange, the forum also aims to cultivate and sustain a communal spirit among faculty and students. The meetings are widely advertised to the broader academic community of the University via email, via our News & Events section, and via our Facebook site, and they are open to the public. Speakers are therefore encouraged to present their topics in a manner accessible to non-specialists.
Other series of educational and research talks that are also open to the public are regularly organised by the sections, the research labs, and the affiliated research groups of the Department. The Cyprus Acquisition Team (CAT) Lab announces its own series of invited talks via its website and Facebook site, the Teaching, Testing and Translation Lab announces its series of talks via its Facebook site (TTTT-Talks), and other events and series of talks are announced via the same channels as the Forum.