Αναφορά στη δουλειά των Αντώνη Έλληνα και Ιάσονα Λαμπριανού του ΚΠΕ στο πρωτοσέλιδο του περιοδικού Spiegel για τις κινητοποιήσεις κατά της ακροδεξιάς στη Γερμανία.
February 1, 2024Counter Crisis Policies and Dilemmas of Refugee First Reception in Historical Perspective
March 28, 2024Upon completion of the LowGeo resarch project [2020-2024] we would like to invite you to attend our project presentation event on Monday 15th of April at 10:30, Room 009 [ΧΩΔ 02]. The event is designed with the purpose to accustom the audience, students and academics, with our databases, present the digital ethno-spatial platforms, and discuss the production processes of conflict-related data.
You may find the digital products publicly available on the LowGeo website https://lowgeo.com/ under the Visual Material: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/d78d9a7f821046f3ae97d7fd56
For more information about the project, please contact:
Dr. Pavlos Koktsidis: Department of Social and Political Sciences, UCY.
Email: [email protected]