An annual summer school on MERIT-related fields and research methods will be held at UCY starting in 2024. The Summer School will consist of a series of lectures and quantitative methods training sessions. Some indicative topics are

  • Theoretical/mathematical modelling in MATLAB,
  • Econometric estimation techniques in R,
  • Machine Learning for R&I policy and meta-research in Python & R,
  • Research Evaluation and good practices of Responsible RRI like Open Science and Open Research Data management, etc.
  • Collection and analysis of MERIT data

These topics will be taught by the advanced partners and, if needed, other world-class experts in the field. This training activity will not only benefit UCY members, but also the broader scientific community in Cyprus, as attendance will be open to researchers and ECRs from all Cypriot universities and relevant research organisations. Furthermore, the Summer School will encourage applications for attendance from Eastern European countries and the Middle East, which will enhance UCY’s role as a major educational hub for the EMME region.

The aim is to establish this summer school at UCY annually via the TWIN4MERIT partnership even after the completion of the project.

The 1st Summer School is taking place at 2-10 September 2024 and the 2nd Summer School in September 2025. More information will be posted on due time.