*Please note that some of the information on these activities is available only on the Greek version of this website.
The Centre for Teaching and Learning in working towards the UCY policy for Quality Assurance in Teaching under Area I: Recognition and dissemination of good teaching practices and self-assessment of teaching in Action: A. Identification, documentation, and dissemination of good teaching practices at UCY, organises open discussions for the teaching staff to discuss and exchange ideas on good quality teaching practices.
8th Open discussion for UCY teaching staff
- Policy presentation – Prof. Christos Xenophontos, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, KE.DI.MA. Director
- Presentation of upcoming training – Ass. Prof. Stavroula Philippou, Dept. of Education
- Open discussion with UCY teaching staff: questions, comments, concerns
Coordinators: Ass. Prof. Simoni Simeonidou, Ass. Prof. Stavroula Kontovourki, Dept. of Education
Date: Wednesday, 17th April 2024 (15:00-16:30)
Αmphitheatre Β224 (level -2), Building OED-01, UCY campus
Online Registrations: http://www.ucy.ac.cy/kedima-instructors
7th open discussion for UCY teaching staff:
Topic: How to guide PhD students
Speakers/Topics – available
here (in Greek)
Coordinator: Assistant Professor Nikolas Tsakas, Dept. of Economics
Date: 24 November 2021 (14:00-16:00)
Amphitheatre Β224 (-2 level), Building OED-01, UCY campus
6th open discussion for UCY teaching staff:
Topic: Ways and methods to support students with low academic performance
Professor Georgia Panayiotou, Chair, Dept. of Psychology
Assistant Professor Simoni Simeonidou, Dept. of Education
Acting Head, Academic Affairs and Student Welfare Service, Kleanthis Pissarides
Head, UCY Student Union, Theofanis Kosta
Special Scientist, Mental Health Center, Chara Demetriou
Coordinator: Professor Charoula Angeli-Valanides, Dept. of Education, KE.DI.MA. Director
Date: Wednesday 4 December 2019, 3-5pm.
Amphitheatre B224 (-2 level), Building OED-01, UCY Campus
5th open discussion for UCY teaching staff:
Topic: Globalisation, diversity, and teaching students Cultural diversity has become increasingly common in many countries, including Cyprus, with the impact of globalisation. Whatever profession students choose, they will inevitably work with colleagues and clients from diverse backgrounds. Thus developing a global outlook along with skills to work effectively with those from different cultures is quickly becoming a key graduate attribute. Join this session to learn about how to mould your teaching to support student development in these key areas.
Led by Dr Caprice Lantz-Deaton, Psychology Lecturer, University of Bradford, UK
Date: Wednesday 3 April 2019, 3-5pm.
Amphitheatre B224 (-2 level), Building OED-01, UCY Campus
4th open discussion for UCY teaching staff:
Topic: Evaluation methods in HE
Date: Wednesday 5 December 2018, 3-5pm
Amphitheatre B224 (-2 level), Building OED-01, UCY Campus.
Keynote Speaker: Professor Leonidas Kyriakides, Chair of the Department of Education
Other speakers:
Assistant Professor Stella Achileos, Dept. of English Studies
Assistant Professor Natasha Constantinidou, Dept. of History and Archaeology
Lecturer Nikolaos Tsakas, Dept. of Economics
Panel discussion:
Professor George Panos, Medical School
Associate Professor George Spanoudis, Dept. of Psychology
Assistant Professor Yiorgos Apidianakis, Dept. of Biological Sciences
Coordinator: Professor Christos Xenophontos, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, KE.DI.MA. Director
3rd open discussion for UCY teaching staff:
Topic: Teaching Quality Evaluation
Date: Thursday 3 May 2018, 3-5pm
Room 016 (Ground Floor), Common Teaching Facilities Building 02 (ΧΩΔ-02), UCY Campus.
Professor Constantinos Christofides, Rector
Professor Athanasios Gagatsis, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Professor Constantinos Constantinou, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Finance and Administration
2nd open discussion for UCY teaching staff:
Topic: Good Teaching Practices
Date: Thursday 7 December 2017, 10-12am
Room 016 (Ground Floor), Common Teaching Facilities Building 02 (ΧΩΔ-02), UCY Campus.
Presentations (in Greek):
1. Assistant Professor Alexia Panayiotou, Dept of Business and Public Administration
1st open discussion for UCY teaching staff:
Topic: What is good teaching
Date: Thrusday 4 May 2017, 10-12am
Room 105, Social Facilities Centre 03, University Campus.
Presentations (in Greek):
1. Associate Professor Charoula Angeli-Valanides, Dept. of Education, Deputy Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning
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