The Centre for Teaching and Learning in working towards the UCY policy for Quality Assurance in Teaching under Area I: Recognition and dissemination of good teaching practices and self-assessment of teaching in Action: A. Identification, documentation, and dissemination of good teaching practices at UCY, has established the “Teaching Excellence Award” granted every two years.



4th Teaching Excellence Award – 2026: As per the policy schedule, the announcement for the 4th Teaching Excellence Award is expected to circulate in March 2025. The process will conclude with the Awards Ceremony in the summer of 2026. You can download (in Greek) the revised policy here (incl. revised Table 1).

3rd Teaching Excellence Award – 2024:

The Senate, following a previous decision, (Meeting no. 23/2020, Date. 09 Sept. 2020) and after a decision by the Centre for Teaching and Learning Board (Dated 23 Jan. 2023), has approved a number of changes to the current Policy of the Teaching Excellence Award. You can download (in Greek) the revised policy here (incl. revised Table 1).

Adjusted timetable for 3rd Teaching Excellence Award:

2nd Teaching Excellence Award – 2022:
The new policy for the Teaching Excellence Award (available only in Greek) was approved by the Senate (Meeting 23/2020, 9 September 2020) and provides for one award per Faculty/School every two years. According to the time frame, the 2nd Teaching Excellence Award will be announced in March 2021 and the awards will be given in 2022.


1st Teaching Excellence Award – 2017:
The policy for the Teaching Excellence Award was approved by the Senate (meeting no. 04/2016) in continuation of the Senate’s previous decision on the same subject (meeting no. 27/2015). The Award was announced by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs on 16/5/2016. Nominations are submitted to [email protected] by completing the Nomination Submission Form. The first prize was awarded in June 2017.


3rd Teaching Excellence Awards – 2024:

As per the Policy for the Award, the shortlist of all candidates is published along with the list of prizes to be awarded (one per School).

2nd Teaching Excellence Awards – 2022:

Discussion about the Award/Press Announcement (in Greek).

1st Teaching Excellence Award – 2017:
Prize awarded to Associate Professor Aristoteles Constantinides of the Department of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences and Education.
Special praise given to: (a) Assistant Professor Alexia Panayiotou of the Department of Business and Public Administration, Faculty of Economics and Management and (b) Associate Professor Socrates Stratis of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering.
UCY Announcement (in Greek) Ceremony Photo News Article in UCY “Koinotita“, 55th issue, July 2017 (in Greek)


Examples from other universities:

UC Berkeley – Distinguished Teaching Award

University of St. Andrews – Teaching Excellence Awards

Education Awards at LSE


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