2017 Year of Quality in Teaching at The University of Cyprus:

The Senate has announced 2017 as the year of Quality in Teaching at UCY. The Charter on Teaching 2017-2020  was signed on 30 January 2017 by all Department Chairs (download the English translation of the Charter). The Charter will be updated by the Senate every three years.

New Charter on Teaching 2023-2026, signed on 6/12/2023 (in Greek). Press announcement.

Charter on Teaching 2020-2023, signed on 10/11/2021 (in Greek) – Article in Koinotita, Issue 67 (pg. 6-7), March 2022

University of Cyprus Policy for Quality Assurance in Teaching (in English)

Actions by KE.DI.MA. to implement the Policy (in Greek) 


Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (approved by the Senate on 23/07/2018, Meeting 19/2018/ΣΥΓΚΛΗΤΟΣ)


Useful references: 

European Forum for Enhanced Collaboration in Teaching (EFFECT) – 10 European Principles for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching

European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – ENQA

European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education – EQAR

Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015)