INTRODUCTION: for current activities please scroll down
*Please note that most of this information is available only on the Greek version of this website.
The Centre for Teaching and Learning organises short courses in topics that help students in their programme studies. The courses are organised every semester and cover topics that students will find useful such as study skills, presentation skills, introducing Library services, introduction to specific software (eg SPSS) etc. These topics are not covered within the curriculum of the UCY programmes of study. All courses are completed in one day (maximum duration 6 hours). All courses are free to students and a certificate of attendance is awarded.
For more information on courses visit the Greek version of this webpage.
Online Registration for courses and Library Seminars
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Online Registration for I.T. courses |
ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-2025:
(62) Thursday, 7 November 2024: Introduction to working with children who have been sexually abused. Programme and target audience. You may register online.
(61) 38th series of Short Courses for Students & Library seminars, Fall Semester 2024-25
(60) Courses for I.T. skills for new students, academic year 2024-25.
(59) 37th series of Short Courses for Students & Library seminars, Spring Semester 2023-24
(58) 36th series of Short Courses for Students & Library seminars, Fall Semester 2023-24
(57) Courses for I.T. skills for new students, academic year 2023-24.
(56) 35th series of Short Courses for Students & Library seminars, Spring Semester 2022-23
(55) 34th series of Short Courses for Students & Introduction to Library Services, Fall Semester 2022-23
(54) Courses for I.T. skills for new students, academic year 2022-23.
Completed courses by academic year:
EU Data Protection Rules – Γενικός Κανονισμός για την Προστασία των Δεδομένων (ΕΕ)
When you enter a UCY public event you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By taking part in the event you grant UCY full rights to use the audiovisual material for publicity purposes. This might include, but is not limited to, printed and online publicity, social media, press releases etc. If you do not wish to be a part of the audiovisual coverage please inform the event organizer
Εισέρχεστε σε δημόσια εκδήλωση του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου κατά την οποία πιθανόν να υπάρχει οπτικοακουστική κάλυψη. Συμμετέχοντας στη δημόσια εκδήλωση δίνετε τη συγκατάθεσή σας για να χρησιμοποιηθεί το οπτικοακουστικό υλικό σε δράσεις δημοσιότητας, όπως ενδεικτικά αλλά όχι περιοριστικά , Ανακοινώσεις Τύπου, έντυπο υλικό, αναρτήσεις στα εργαλεία κοινωνικής δικτύωσης κ.ο.κ. Εάν δεν επιθυμείτε να λάβετε μέρος στην οπτικοακουστική κάλυψη παρακαλώ ενημερώστε το διοργανωτή.