Mediated identity politics and museum visitors: a comparative analysis of Macedonian museums in Greece. Museum Management and Curatorship.
‘Videography as performance’ in the service of social movement visibility and interaction amidst the pandemic: the case of the support art workers initiative in Greece. Popular Communication.
Analyzing pro-vax discourse during the pandemic: techno-scientism, elitism, anti-populism. The Communication Review.
Labservatory: a synergy between journalism studies and computer science for online news observation. Online Information Review.
“The victim lived an intense life”: media (mis)representations of femicide crimes in the Republic of Cyprus. Feminist Media Studies.
Reimagining self-determination: Relational, decolonial, and intersectional perspectives. Political Geography.
On making peace with nature: Visions and challenges towards an ecological diplomacy. Review of International Studies.
Quand les droits pédagogiques se muent en devoirs professionnels. Hiatus dans la formation continue pour la réforme des pratiques professionnelles en santé. Revue Française de Pédagogie.
All types of experience are equal, but some are more equal: The effect of different types of experience on rater severity and rater consistency. Language Testing.
Communal factors in rater severity and consistency over time in high-stakes oral assessment. Language Testing.
“SLAPPed” and censored? Legal threats and challenges to press freedom and investigative reporting. Journalism.
The Teacher of Teachers: James Mill and the Education of John Stuart Mill. The Review of Politics 86 (1): 47-69.
Experienced but detached from reality: Theorizing and operationalizing the relationship between experience and rater effects. Assessing Writing.
Local and Contextual: John Stuart Mill’s The Subjection of Women’. Australian Journal of Politics & History 69 (2): 190-209.
Did John Stuart Mill write “On Social Freedom”?’ Co-authored with Andreas Neocleous and Panagiotis Nicolaides. Humanities 12 (5): 1-18.
Newswork in crisis: Sourcing patterns during COVID-19 through a ‘lived experience’ perspective
(Un)Reporting Xenophobia: Normalising and Resisting Officials’ Discriminatory Discourse on Migration in Online Journalism in Cyprus. Journalism Practice.
Southern European press challenges in a time of crisis: A cross-national study of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Malta. Journalism.
Towards the individuated journalistic worker in pandemic times: Reflections from Greece and Cyprus. Journalism.
Queer in Cyprus? The LGBTIQ Movement, Normativity, and Resistance in a Changing (Trans)national Landscape. Social Sciences.
Des informations « pas très importantes » dans les médias d’information en ligne : la couverture de l’actualité européenne à Chypre. Communiquer.
Lateral colonialism: exploring modalities of engagement in decolonial politics from the periphery. Third World Quarterly
On the right to diplomacy: historicizing and theorizing delegation and exclusion at the United Nations. International Theory
Humanitarian diplomacy as moral history. Peacebuilding
Changer les établissements pour personnes âgées par les mots ? (Changing elderly homes through words?). Tracés revue de sciences humaines
Movement versus Party: The Electoral Effects of Anti-Far Right Protests in Greece. American Political Science Review.
Do Facebook and Google Care about Journalism? Mapping the Relationship between Affordances of GNI and FJP Tools and Journalistic Norms. Digital Journalism
Reviewing the impact of Facebook on civic participation: The mediating role of algorithmic curation and platform affordances. The Communication Review
“It’s the Economy, Stupid!”, Is it not? The Relationship between Press Freedom and the Status of the Economy in Western Media Systems. Journalism Studies
You are the agenda: The pursuit of personal significance in social media contexts. The European Journal of Communication Research
The 10-year anniversary of intense protest in Greece and the role of Facebook. Journal of Information Technology & Politics.
Μeasuring and Visualizing Coders’ Reliability: New Approaches and Guidelines From Experimental Data. Sociological Methods & Research.
Feminism contested and co-opted: Women, agency and politics of gender in the Greek and Greek-Cypriot far right. European Journal of Women’s Studies.
The dissemination of science news in social media platforms during the COVID-19 crisis: Characteristics and selection criteria. Communication & Society.
Do media systems matter? A comparative study of editorials on the migration crisis in the UK, German and Greek traditional press. Journalism.
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
'Text Mining in 19th-Century Essays for Investigating a Possible Collaborative Authorship Problem: John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill’. Co-authored with A. Neocleous and Giorgos Kataliakos. IEEE Access 10: 20937-20947.
The Silent Electoral Earthquake in Cyprus: A Crisis of Political Representation. South European Society and Politics.
Digitalisation as Discursive Construction: Entrepreneurial Labour and the Fading of Horizons of Expectations for Newcomer Journalists. Journalism Studies.
Conspiratorial Narratives on Facebook and Their Historical Contextual Associations: A Case Study from Cyprus. Journal of Communication Inquiry.
Societal Responses to Right-Wing Extremism: Antifascist Mobilisation against Golden Dawn in Greece. South European Society and Politics.
Towards a transnational turn(?): success stories, transgressive politics, and artistic initiative in recent Greek Cypriot cinema. Transnational Screens.
Art heterotopias against hegemonic discourses: Dancing the Cyprus conflict. European Journal of Cultural Studies.
Structuring forms of transition from higher education to employment: bridging Bernstein and Bourdieu in understanding mismatch. Journal of Education and Work.
The Dynamics of Influence on Press Freedom in Different Media Systems: A Comparative Study. Journalism Practice.
Managing Sponsored Content in Hybrid Media Systems: A Proposed Alternative Journalistic Practice. Journal of Media Ethics.
The oppositional affordances of data activism. Media International Australia.
‘What’s up with ur emotions?’ Untangling emotional user experience on Second Life and Facebook. Behaviour & Information Technology.
A multilevel contextual discourse analysis of online news: news on Europe in Cypriot online media. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online.
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
‘Permanence, Progression and Mill’s The Subjection of Women’. History of Political Thought 42 (4):705-729.
The Interview Method in Comparative Politics: The Process of Interviewing Far-Right Actors. Government and Opposition.
Towards a revaluation of work in post-Fordist societies? Critical reconversions of highly skilled youth and negotiations of fluid relationships with work. Journal of Youth Studies.
Surveying through gatekeepers in social research: methodological problems and suggestions
Humaniser le soin aux personnes âgées ? Réponses transnationales du marché de la formation continue. Sociologie du travail.
Journalism education in the post-truth era: an exploration of the voices of journalism students in Greece and Cyprus
‘Lockdown’ on Digital Journalism? Mapping Threats to Press Freedom during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
Around the Broken Chair: Locationality, Visuality and the Vibrancy of Diplomatic Objects
Why Greeks and Turks Fight
Liquid Entitlement: Sea, Terra, Law, Commons
Thinking with Diplomacy: Within and Beyond Practice Theory
Not All Elections Are Created Equal: Election Quality and Civil Conflict
Extended intergroup contact in frozen conflicts: Experimental evidence from Cyprus
The EU’s truth by omission: Learning and accountability after the Eurozone crisis
International incentives for women’s rights in dictatorships
Societal Mobilization and the Fall of the Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn in Greece
The immigrant presence in collaborative structures of urban politics. Governance.
Organizing Against Democracy: The Local Organizational Development of Far Right Parties in Greece and Europe. Cambridge University Press.
Applying the Rasch Model in Social Sciences Using R. Routledge.
Machine Learning and Feature Selection for Authorship Attribution: The Case of Mill, Taylor Mill and Taylor, in the Nineteenth Century. IEEE Access.
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
Journalism Training beyond journalism schools. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator.
Video Dispatch from the Borderscape: Toward a Diplomatic Geography. Cultural Geographies.
Ambivalent Greenings, Colateral Conservation: Negotiating Ecology in a United Nations Buffer Zone. Political Geography.
The perils of accountability after crisis: ambiguity, policy legacies, and value trade-offs. Cambridge Review of International Affairs.
The Persistence of Ethnocentric Framing in Online News Coverage of European Politics. Digital Journalism.
Recurrent Narratives Around the COVID-19 Crisis in Social Networks: A Case Study Analysis on Facebook. Trípodos.
The impact of the economic crisis on media corruption: A comparative study in South and North Europe. International Communication Gazette.
Employing a Chatbot for News Dissemination during Crisis: Design, Implementation and Evaluation. Future Internet.
Capital as ‘abstraction in action’ and economic rhythms in Marx. Cambridge Journal of Economics
The longitudinal stability of rating characteristics in an EFL examination: Methodological and substantive considerations. Language Testing.
Imagining Ro: On the social life of islets and the politics of islandography
James Mill’s Utilitarian Logic and Politics. Routledge.
Global Crisis and Reproduction of Capital. Palgrave.
Studies on the Reception of Plato and Greek Political Thought in Victorian Britain
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
Utility, Reason and Rhetoric: James Mill's Metaphor of the Historian as Judge. Utilitas.
Political conflicts in the Cypriot football fields: A Qualitative Approach through the Press. Soccer & Society
Long-term evidence of cultural agenda setting: The case of the Smithsonian Institution. Agenda Setting Journal
Digital gatekeepers and website visitors of the Acropolis Museum: revisiting gatekeeping theory in the cultural domain. Museum Management and Curatorship.
Quand la politique de l’employabilité conduit à la régionalisation des sciences sociales. Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances.
‘All we need is love (and money)’! What do higher education students want from their families? Research Papers in Education.
Emotion, Sophistication and Political Behavior: Evidence From a Laboratory Experiment. Political Psychology.
Far right activism and electoral outcomes. Party Politics.
Transgressing the Nation: In Defence of Cypriot Peasantry and Rustic Politics. The Cyprus Review.
On Biodiplomacy: Negotiating Life and Plural Modes of Existence Journal of International. Political Theory.
Truth Commissions after Economic Crises: Political Learning or Blame Game?. Political Studies.
Explaining disappearances as a tool of political terror. International Political Science Review.
Authoritarian Institutions and Women’s Rights. Comparative Political Studies.
David and Goliath? Small Developing Countries, Large Emerging Markets and South-South Trade Agreements. International Studies Quarterly.
Glocalization: A critical introduction. Routledge.
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
Hybrid Salience: Examining the role of traditional and digital media in the rise of the Greek radical left. Journalism.
International assessment policy reform: nothing new under the sun. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice.
Can Human Rights Conditionality Reduce Repression? Examining the European Union’s Economic Agreements. Review of International Organizations.
Understanding political discourses about Europe: a multilevel contextual approach to discourse. Discourse & Society.
Induction, Deduction, and James Mill’s “Government”’. Modern Intellectual History.
Has family involvement migrated into higher education? International Studies in Sociology of Education. Has family involvement migrated into higher education? International Studies in Sociology of Education.
Cue Theory and International Trust in Europe: The EU as a Proxy for Trust in the UN. International Studies Review.
Television beyond Digitalization: Economics, Competitiveness and Future Perspectives. International Journal of Digital Television.
Investigation of rater effects using social network analysis and exponential random graph models. Educational and psychological measurement.
Visual Diplomacy: Reflections on Diplomatic Spectacle and Cinematic Thinking The Hague Journal of Diplomacy.
Exposure to Violence and Attitudes Towards Transitional Justice. Political Psychology.
Setting agendas in cultural markets: Organizations, creators, experiences. Routledge.
L’Université au diapason du marché. Academia-L’Harmattan.
Globalization and Orthodox Christianity. Routledge.
Mobilisations numériques. Presses des Mines.
Transprofessional Diplomacy. Brill.
Grassroots Activism and the Evolution of Transitional Justice. The Families of the Disappeared. Cambridge University Press.
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens’ and its consequence for EU democracy. Journal of European Public Policy.
James Mill on the Conditions of Good Government’. History of Political Thought.
"To activists: Please post and share your story": Renewing understandings on civic participation and the role of Facebook in the Indignados movement. European Journal of Communication.
The (non) particularities of West European radical left party supporters: comparing left party families. European Political Science Review.
Institutional Grievances and Right-Wing Extremism: Voting for Golden Dawn in Greece. South European Society and Politics.
How far right local party organizations develop: The organizational buildup of the Greek Golden Dawn. Party Politics.
Why Greeks rebel: Re-examining conventional and radical political action. Acta Politica.
Branding Orthodoxy: Religious Diplomacy and the Makarios Legacy in Sub-Saharan Africa. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy.
Testing the Uses and Gratifications Approach to Museum Visiting: Adopting a Mediated Perspective in the Cultural Domain. Visitor Studies.
La configuration des mythes sur l'Europe. L’Harmattan.
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
Engaging the ‘Ungoverned': The Merging of Diplomacy, Defence and Development. Cooperation and Conflict.
Linguistic and cultural effects on the attainment of ethnic minority students: some methodological considerations. British Journal of Sociology of Education.
Societal Responses to the Post-2008 Economic Crisis among South European and Irish Radical Left Parties: Continuity or Change and Why? Government and Opposition.
Pedagogising the University: On higher education policy implementation and its effects on social relations. Journal of Education Policy.
I don’t wear blinkers, all right?” The multiple meanings of civic identity in the Indignados and the role of social media. Javnost/The Public.
Death as the border: Managing missing migrants and unidentified bodies at the EU's Mediterranean frontier. Political Geography.
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