December 30, 2021

Medievalism in Linguistic Teaching

By Gabriele Knappe & Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna

What is ‘linguistic medievalism’ and what can it teach us? In our brand new post, Prof. Gabriele Knappe and Prof. Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna of the University of Bamberg jointly present a teaching experiment they carried out on ‘Linguistic Medievalism’. Read on to find out what they did and what they found!
November 30, 2021

A palimpsest that faith built: The Church of the Transfiguration in Sotera (Cyprus) and its Murals

By Maria Parani

Dr Maria Parani tells the story of one of the many medieval churches that populate the Cypriot countryside: that of the Church of the Transfiguration at the village of Sotera in southeast Cyprus. Tracing its history of successive building phases and painting campaigns opens up a window into the lives of the people whose needs - social and spiritual - it served.
October 30, 2021

Rituals at the Grail Table

By Daniele Gallindo Gonçalves

Whether it’s the time we get up in the morning or when we eat or go to sleep, our daily routines are a form of ritual. However, can we really call such (individual) habits rituals? What is actually a ritual? As defined by Gerd Althoff, a ritual is “a formally-standardized symbolic sequence of actions that has a specific effectiveness”, since it has the capacity to (re)produce “a social, political, spiritual, etc. change of state” (Althoff; Stollberg-Rilinger 2008: 144).
September 30, 2021

Manuscript production in medieval Cyprus for church rituals

By Marina Toumpouri

Medieval written records are complex things; it is not easy (or often possible) to pin down their provenance, history of ownership, and transmission. In this month’s post, Dr Marina Toumpouri of the University of Cyprus considers the case of surviving Greek manuscripts and the work historians and philologists must do to access their distant but exciting world.
August 31, 2021

The past is a foreign country: Medievalism and Time Travel Narratives

By Sarah Böhlau

From the moment the time travel narrative entered human imagination at the end of the 19th century, opening doors to both past and future, the medieval period has held a special point of interest for many storytellers. Examining the foreign period through the lens of temporal tourism provides a unique way to relate to the past – and rituals are important support structures in this journey.
July 30, 2021

Medieval Rituals, the Arts, and the Notion of Medievalism

By Nils Holger Petersen

In principle, aesthetic evaluation is not essential for judging the successfulness of rituals. The aesthetic value of song, however, was instrumental for the function of medieval liturgical rituals. Elements of these, gradually received into the modern arts, question the distinction between the medieval and medievalism.
June 30, 2021

The Seven Deaths of Maria Callas, by Marina Abramović

By Christos Hadjiyiannis

In her latest work, Serbian performance artist Marina Abramović stars as Maria Callas. The work opened at the Bavarian State Opera in Munich on 3 September 2020. In his review of the opera, Dr Christos Hadjiyiannis, Scientific Project Manager of NetMAR, suggests that the opera borrows much from late antique and early medieval texts that thematise the suffering of Christian women.
May 29, 2021

What kind of heritage do ancient and medieval texts constitute?

By Lars Boje Mortensen

The NetMAR project is seeking to better understand and promote local heritage by bridging the disciplines of art history, literature, musicology, history and more – all under the lense of ritual. NetMAR takes place just as we are seeing a significant surge, and new trends, in the global discourse of heritage.
February 1, 2021

Anna-Maria Ernesti

Anna-Maria Ernesti is an early stage researcher at the University of Bamberg. Her undergraduate studies in Bamberg and London contained the subjects German Literature, Language and Culture as well as Art History. With her Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien (Zemas)-related master’s degree “Medieval Studies“ she specialised in the core subjects Older German Literature, Medieval Art History and Medieval History.