February 1, 2021

Srđan Beck

Srđan Beck is a doctoral student at the Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg in the Bamberg Graduate School of Historical Studies (BaGraHist) programme. He is working on a thesis titled ‘St. Mary the Great near Bale (Istria) in the context of Carolingian Monastery Organization’.
February 1, 2021

Marie-Luise Kosan

Marie-Luise Kosan is a PhD student at the University of Bamberg. In her art historical dissertation she analyses the function of sculptural depictions and the interrelated conception of architecture and sculpture on medieval church portals in the 13th century using the example of the portal hall of Freiburg Cathedral (south-west Germany). The dissertation project is supported by a scholarship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst.
February 1, 2021

Kouadio Guy-Stéphane Kouamé

Kouadio Guy-Stéphane Kouamé is a PhD student in Medieval History at the University of Bamberg. His thesis, written in French under the title “Elites sans progéniture: le célibat des prêtres en occident, les eunuques à Byzance et dans le monde arabe – une étude comparative”, analyses the function of eunuchs and celibate priests as childless elites in the Latin West, Byzantium, as well as in the Islamic world.
February 1, 2021

Dr Detlef Goller

Detlef Goller is Academic Director at the Department for Medieval German Philology at the University of Bamberg and Student Advisor at the Centre for Medieval Studies (ZeMas). After finishing his exams for the teaching profession (German, History, and Social Sciences), he worked for 12 years at the University of Halle/Wittenberg. His articles have focused on the Courtly German Literature while his PhD thesis investigated the intertextual relations between the works of Gottfried von Straßburg and Hartman von Aue (Lang Verlag, 2005).
February 1, 2021

Michaela Pölzl

Michaela Pölzl, Μ.Α., is a research assistant at the Chair of Medieval German Philology at the University of Bamberg and serves as Scientific Project Manager for NetMAR on the part of ZeMas Bamberg (Center for Medieval Studies Bamberg). She studied German Philology and Applied Cultural Studies in Graz (Austria) before starting to work on her doctoral thesis as a research fellow in the Bamberg graduate programme “Generational Consciousness and Generational Conflicts in Antiquity and the Middle Ages”.
February 1, 2021

Prof. Ingrid Bennewitz

Ingrid Bennewitz is Professor of Medieval Philology at the University of Bamberg. Her research focuses on German literature from the 12th to the 16th centuries, manuscript transmission and editions, gender studies, and on the reception of the Middle Ages (‘Mediaevalism’). She has authored and edited numerous books and articles, including a new edition of Neidhart-Songs (3. vols., 2007, with Ulrich Müller and Franz Viktor Spechtler).