Research Areas: Optical Networks/Unmanned Aerial Systems/Intelligent Transportation Systems – Georgios Ellinas
29 Φεβρουαρίου, 2024Σεμινάριο 06.03.24: Real-Time Optimization of Fuel-Consumption and Travel-Time of CAVs for Cooperative Intersection Crossing
1 Μαρτίου, 2024• Faculty name: Prof. Marios Polycarpou
• Number of available scholarships: 2
• Research area(s): Fault Diagnosis; Intelligent Systems and Control; Machine Learning; Smart Water Networks
• Short Description/Duties and Responsibilities: Fulfill all Departmental requirements for the PhD degree (courses, qual exam, thesis proposal, thesis defense). Perform research in one of the aforementioned fields, providing novel results that extend the state of the art.
• Profile of the ideal candidate: Highly motivated individuals with strong mathematical and computing/algorithmic background/skills.
• Qualifications: Refer to for details on the specific qualifications required.
• Scholarship Terms: Refer to for details on the scholarship terms (as these scholarships are provided through the KIOS Research center).
• Application Procedure: Refer to for details on the scholarship application procedure (as these scholarships are provided through the KIOS Research center).