
February 21, 2023

CALL FOR PAPERS: Translating Byzantium and Byzantium Translating

Vienna, June 2-3, 2023 June 2: Central European University, Quellenstrasse 51, D002, 1100 Vienna June 3: University of Vienna (Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies), Postgasse 9, Lecture Hall, 1010 Vienna
February 8, 2023

Workshop: “Constructing and Performing Hope in the Premodern World” – April 13-14, 2023, Tampere University

This is a workshop concentrating on the ways in which the future of individuals, their families and communities were negotiated in ancient, Byzantine and Western medieval Europe, with special focus on the practices and practicalities of everyday life. If you wish to join as a listener, please contact the organisers before 1st April 2023.
February 3, 2023

Call for Papers: From Antistructure to Infrastructure: New Materialities in Pilgrimage Studies

Pilgrimage Studies Network (PILNET) of EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) PILNET invites papers that explore these and related fields. Please send abstracts (300-350 words) and […]
January 5, 2023

Literary history in a Medieval Eurasian environment: Methodological and interpretive approaches

NetMAR Coordinator Stavroula Constantinou will be presenting at the International Symposium Literary History in a Medieval Eurasian Environment: Methodological and Interpretive Approaches Johannes Gutenberg University of […]
December 30, 2022

Of Mumblings and Carvings: How magical is the Old High German Word rûna (‘rune’) and its Derivations?

By Dr Aletta Leipold, Saxon Academy of Science and Humanities

The Old High German noun rûna does not denote a character, as one might erroneously assume based on the meaning of the German word Rune. The majority of words connected to rûna, rûnên and related derivates and compounds pertain to the semantic field of words such as ‘whisper’, ‘whispering’, ‘murmur’, and ‘murmuring’. This semantic range, associated with orality, was further expanded to include meanings related to ‘sorcery’ and ‘secret’. How much magic is in these Old High German words and what may we learn from them about medieval concepts of magic?
December 12, 2022

NetMAR Coordinator Stavroula Constantinou presents on the Sixth International Byzantine Seminar Lecture Series (2022) “Realism in Hagiography”

Sixth International Byzantine Seminar Lecture Series (2022) “Realism in Hagiography”   at the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC), Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China […]
November 30, 2022

The Perpetual Cycle between Birth and Death in Medieval Art

By Savvas Mavromatidis, University of Cyprus (PhD student in the Interdepartmental Programme in Byzantine Studies and the Latin East)

How is the ‘distance’ or perhaps the lack of ‘distance’ between cultural and social phenomena, such as conception, birth, death, and the practices regarding the care of newborns and the dead conveyed in medieval art? This blog post investigates the didactic, social, devotional, and performative role of painting and funerary sculpture as formed in the Middle Ages.