
August 25, 2022

NetMAR SDU Scientific Project Manager Dr Chiara D’Agostini has been awarded a two-year postdoc position by Gerda Henkel Stiftung

Warm congratulations to our NetMAR SDU Scientific Project Manager Dr Chiara D’Agostini who has been awarded a two-year postdoc position by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung for the project ‘Necessity by Design: The Mathematics of Rhetoric in Middle Byzantine Culture’. Dr D’Agostini will analyse the diagrammatic commentaries on the Corpus Hermogenianum.
July 31, 2022

Research Communication and Communication Networks in Medieval Studies

By Viviane Diederich M.A.

Research communication plays an increasingly important role in contemporary societies. Young researchers are expected to start from an early stage to present their research to different types of audiences. It is, therefore, very important to test their communication skills and build their confidence through different channels such as those offered by NetMAR. This blog post explores various levels of research communication and substantiates its findings with examples from the field of Medieval Studies.
July 1, 2022

NetMAR at the International Medieval Congress (IMC) 2022

NetMAR is pleased to invite medievalists to attend the presentations of the network's researchers at the International Medieval Congress (IMC), the Europe’s largest forum for sharing ideas in medieval studies, hosted by the University of Leeds. NetMAR young scholars will present their exciting research on the 5th and 7th of July. NetMAR leaders Bennewitz and Constantinou will be also presenting on the 6th and 7th of July respectively.
June 27, 2022

Creating, Performing, and Transgressing Borders and Boundaries


NetMAR at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds, 2022. NetMAR is excited to share with its blog readers a preview of its two sessions and six papers that will be delivered by some of the project’s PhD candidates and young researchers at IMC on 05 and 07 July 2022. Visit our blog space to learn more about NetMAR's participation in IMC.
June 9, 2022


The Network for Medieval Arts & Rituals is celebrating a year of NetMAR Blog! The NetMAR Blog, which has published thirteen texts so far, is committed to finding exciting and interesting ways of communicating expert and original research into medieval arts and rituals to wider audiences. #NetMAR blog posts are published at the end of each month and are available on our website:
May 30, 2022

Welcome Nibelungs! The Burgundians’ Arrival in Etzel’s Kingdom in the Codex Hundeshagen

By Dr. Nadine Hufnagel

Most of the illustrations in the only fully illustrated manuscript of the Nibelungenlied (Codex Hundeshagen) do not show action scenes. Instead, they depict primarily situations of courtly ritual, especially scenes of reception and farewell. Nadine Hufnagel of the University of Bamberg explores how text and image work together to foreshadow the further development of the story, when the Burgundians arrive at Etzel’s court. 
May 2, 2022

NetMAR participates in the 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies

Live on the internet, May 09-14, 2022. 216* Thursday, May 12, 9:00 a.m. EDT Medieval Arts and Rituals Organizer: Stavroula Constantinou, Centre for Medieval Arts and Rituals, Univ. of Cyprus Presider: Stavroula Constantinou
April 29, 2022

Regrowing Maimed Spires as an Act of Rebuilding Collectivity

By Dr Michalis Olympios

When did French sensitivity to the significance of medieval architectural patrimony emerge? How does Gothic architecture becomes a timeless symbol of national unity? The historian of Western medieval art Michalis Olympios of the Centre for Medieval Arts & Rituals at the University of Cyprus discusses how the restoration of maimed spires functions as an act of rebuilding collectivity.