October 25, 2023
October 11, 2023
International Colloquium | Emotions in History and Psychology: Time, Gender and Society | 11 March 2023 | Marie Blanch Library, Rafina, Greece | Constantinou Stavroula, Tsironi Niki
September 30, 2023
By Gerlinde Gangl, M.A., University of Bamberg
The pillory punishment is one of the degrading punishments of the Middle Ages and Modern Times (executed in Europe until 1848), whereby a delinquent person was publicly exposed. In addition to the pillory, the associated punishment rituals remained alive in cultural memory. This becomes discernible in the metaphors employed in everyday expressions of many European languages.September 25, 2023
The Centre for Medieval Arts and Rituals (CeMAR) of the University of Cyprus is delighted to announce the publication of the inaugural issue of its annual international interdisciplinary diamond open access journal, Eventum: A Journal of Medieval Arts and Rituals.
August 31, 2023
By Hannah Potthoff, Technische Universität Chemnitz
Sound studies are an important aspect of both the study of rituals as well as of war. Researching the belliphonic, as done in the DFG-funded project “Belliphonie im Mittelalter” at TU Chemnitz, can give important insights in how sounds were used in medieval wars as part of warfare and its narration and memory.July 31, 2023
By Dr Marina Ilia, NetMAR UCY ESR
This blog discusses the significance of names and how they passed from one generation to the other, providing insights into a family's past and social status and local history. It specifically looks at the naming conventions of Venetian Cyprus in the Marathassa valley, using a census conducted in 1549 and analyses naming patterns based on age, gender, and family origin.June 29, 2023
By Michaela Pölzl (UNI BA)
The EU-funded project Network for Medieval Arts and Rituals (NetMAR), which will participate in the upcoming International Medieval Congress in Leeds (IMC, 03-06 July 2022), takes once again the opportunity to share with the NetMAR blog readers a preview of the four papers of its session that will be given by some of the project’s young researchers.June 19, 2023
The Network for Medieval Arts & Rituals (H2020 project, grant agreement no.951875) cordially invites all IMC delegates for a glass of wine or non-alcoholic drink.
Hosted by the Centre for Medieval Arts & Rituals (https://www.ucy.ac.cy/cemar/), University Of Cyprus
June 13, 2023
CeMAR Director, Assoc. Prof. Stavroula Constantinou, will give a lecture entitled "Maternal Saints and Lay Mothers in Byzantine Hagiography" in the framework of a research project on female holiness (Divino Al Femminile) which is coordinated by the Department of Culture and Forms of Knowledge of the University of Pisa.